Refugees in the "The Jungle." Calais - 2015
This is the third and final installment of photos documenting a trail that began in Turkey, traversed across Europe, and ended on the banks of the English Channel.
Over the last few days, I unearthed photos that were first snapped nine years ago this month. Part one focused on men, women, and children, overwhelmingly from the Middle East and Africa, moving from one life to another. Part two highlighted that for many of these migrants, Europe was a concept, and their ultimate destinations on the continent often involved moving through scores of countries. The final part of this trilogy ends where it did for thousands in 2015, in a squalid and harsh enclave on the edges of the port city of Calais, France, derisively labeled “The Jungle.”
In the days before Christmas, as squalls of cold rain flooded The Jungle’s dirt and garbage-laden passages, I combed through the nooks and alleys of a world built to ensure survival and, on occasion, offer a flicker of hope amongst an environment teaming with despair.
The photos below were taken in and around the Calais, France, “Jungle” between December 21st and 23rd, 2015.
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