Putins reign of terror will never stop with Ukraine, he must be stopped by force, which via proxy means arming Ukraine to the max. Thanks for the update!

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Mar 18Liked by Sarah Ashton-Cirillo

I couldn't agree more. As an historian, I know that Russia is expansionistic, callous of its own people, and self-assured in its self-aggrandisement, brainwashing its own people through the priiesthood and latterly through the medium of television. I've been a Russia-watcher since I was a child growing up in the cold war, and I have read history to see that without being utterly crushed so that Russia as an entity ceases to exist this will happen again, and again, and again. Slava Ukraini, heroyam slava. Russki idi na khuy.

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Bridge will fall !

Slava Ukraini!

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Appears we’re united in thought Sarah. Russia has, and continues to be a Cold War threat as long as Putin and his Oligarchs remain!

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